Sunday, March 7, 2010

Time to trasnplant -  Reyn's seedlings are continuing to thrive, they are strong and healthy, and are producing secondary leaves. He is no longer bringing them inside during the night. The plants are now staying in the cold frame both day and night.  The first night outside is always worrisome, the seedlings seem like such fragile little things and we've had a few cold nights lately.  The protection of the cold frame has most certainly assisted the transition.

Reyn has added two more support ribs to the cold frame and covered it with plastic sheeting.  That gives us essentially a 4' x 8' mini-greenhouse.  He has planted another round of lettuce, this time using freshly purchased seeds.  In less than a week the new seeds have germinated and are looking good.  If all goes well, we'll soon have more lettuce than we can eat.  I'm so looking forward to our own salad greens again.

I've been working in my herb garden this week.  I have once again learned the lesson offered by the Oregano-with-a mind-of-it's-own.  I do like oregano.  I cook with it and enjoy the foliage and summer flowers, but why can't it just mind it's own business?  I dug an entire 5 gallon bucket of baby oregano plants out of my garden.  I think that I got it all out, but I also remain certain that enough will show up to meet my needs for the herb.

Garden notes: Transplanted pepper grass into herb garden
                                      Rhubarb coming up
                                      Seedlings moved to cold-frame
                                      Magnolia, crocus, hyacinth, primroses, violets, daphne, and plum tree all in bloom
                                      Pesky squirrels digging holes around newly planted peas
                                      Worried about deer munching on tasty plum tree

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