Sunday, March 28, 2010

Garlic Prawns - another fabulous low-fat meal. When I think of prawns, I always think of butter, the two just go so nicely together. As anyone following this blog knows, butter is a thing of the past in this kitchen.  At least for a couple of more months. . . .   I'll reconsider after my next cholestoral test. But for now, no butter.  Thankfully, I was able to prepare this meal using just olive oil, and it was as flavorful and satisfying as if I had sauteed in butter.  No kidding.

The menu consisted of Garlic Prawns, served with Pasta with Spring Vegetables -  asparagus, snow peas and red pepper, followed by a green salad.  In previous days I would have added cheese to the pasta dish, but I've also eliminated cheese from my diet.  The pasta was delicious and complete with out it. All in all, a very nice combinaiton.  This meal was very quick to prepare.  So quick in fact that it is necessary to prep all of the ingredients ahead of time, since they all cook quickly at nearly the same time -- namely, the last minute.

Pasta with Spring Vegetables
Spaghetti - cook while preparing vegetables
1 TBS olive oil
1 pound, or so, of thin asparagus, cut into 2" lengths
1 cup of snow peas
1/4 cup chopped red pepper
1 clove of garlic, thinly sliced
1 TBS lemon zest
Juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tsp dried basil
2 TBS lemon infused olive oil
1/2 cup pasta cooking water
Lemon pepper seasoning

Lightly saute the asparagus and red pepper in olive oil with slivered garlic until just beginning to soften. Add snow peas, lemon zest, and lemon infused oil, cook about 3 minutes, then add basil, lemon juice, lemon pepper and pasta cooking water.  Adjust seasonings and toss with drained pasta.

Garlic Prawns
for two servings I purchased 2/3 of a pound of large wild prawns

1 - 2 TBSP olive oil
1 TBSP lemon pepper seasoning
1 large clove of garlic, slivered
a good sized pinch of red pepper flakes
2 TBSP chopped italian parsley

Clean, rinse and devein the prawns, pat dry with paper towels then toss with the lemon pepper seasoning. Allow to set for at least 10 minutes. Heat the olive oil and garlic in a saute pan, toss in the prawns and cook, turning, just until they are pink in color. Squeeze lemon juice over prawns, sprinkle with parsley, season with salt to taste, and serve over pasta. 

Add a fresh seasonal green salad, some crusty bread, and a nice glass of wine.  A lovely and healthy meal that will be appreciated and will disappear in no time.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Susan! I have to get organized and get some time to try this....and every other recipe here. Really lovely!
