Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring in Oregon -  So, just what is a typical Spring day like in the Willamette Valley, one might ask?   This year we've had some unusually beautiful weather early in the year, days and even weeks of sun and mild temperatures. Today, it's wet out there. For most years warm temperatures and a sunny sky can be depended upon only from July through October.  The other eight month ususally provide mostly gray, wet days.  Well, here we are again. We're now into our second day of gloomy, wet weather.  The forecast for today is for 100% chance of rain. Ugh.

You can see why we spend every nice day working outside.  We can never be sure that there will be another one. 

We've completed the spring cleanup for most of the yard.  Many seeds have been planted, and cool weather transplants are in the ground -- where they are now getting a good drenching.  Now we wait to see which plants survive the rain and which will need to be replanted.  Things are a little soggy out there right now.  But . . . . .things could change tomorrow.

So, what does a gardener do on a day like today?  Seems like a good time to read a book, or maybe think about dinner.

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