Today while conducting my garden tour I noticed that the peas Reyn planted last week are just beginning to show themselves. I found a few more asparagus spears, and the rhubard leaves are unfurling themselves with a passion. Our baby plum tree has been in full bloom now for about a week. We're hoping for pollination, but I haven't seen any bees, which casues me to worry. I'm concerned that the combination of early flowering and the wet weather may keep us from seeing much, if any, fruit on the little tree this year.
It has been a good week for indoor projects, so yesterday I started cilantro and chive seeds. I have been wanting to try making newspaper pots in which to plant the seeds. That will allow me to simply set the plants, pot and all, into the ground at transplanting time, avoiding shock to the seedlings when pulling them out of the soil to be divided. I cut strips of newspaper about 8" wide. Wraped the paper around a tin can, and folded up the bottom. You can staple the sides closed, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. I put a small piece of tape on the folded up bottom to secure it until I filled it with soil.

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