Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still thinking of Rye Bread.  Rye has become the main theme of my meal planning this week.  I'm sad to say, however, that we are now very near the end.  It has been sooooo good. Along the way I have discovered that Orange-Rhubarb Marmalade is the best choice of jam with breakfast rye, especially when paired with a little soft cheese and a cup of tea.  Hmmm, but what about another dinner?

Last night's choice was a toasted sandwich of sharp farm cheddar cheese with lots of carmelized onions - on rye, of course.  I also included one of my favorite salads of tiny green lentils, carrots, and beets in a sesame vinaigrette.

I love anything with carmelized onions.   In fact I'd like to have a large vat of them cooking away on my stove almost any time.  I always start with more onions than any recipe calls for, and find that it takes much longer to get that lucious caramel color and flavor than is suggested. For this sandwich I simply spread slices of rye bread with a little truffle butter and dijon mustard, added slices of  a good sharp cheddar cheese topped with the onions, then toasted it in a non-stick pan.

The Lentil Salad is made with cooked, but firm, tiny french lentils combined with grated raw carrots and beets.  It is a surprisingly delicious, crunchy and colorful combination.  It's made with a little sesame oil which adds a nice depth to the dressing.  I usually make this late in the summer when I have fresh beets and carrots from the garden, but today's produce came from the market.  The salad can be all mixed together, but do it at the last minute, or everything will turn beet red.

Lentil Salad 
for two, may be easily enlarged

1 cup small green lentils, simmered in salted water until done, but still firm, chilled or rinsed in cool water.
2 carrots, peeled and grated
1 beet, peeled and grated
1/2 sweet onion slivered, or 2 scallions thinly sliced

Dressing:  whisk together a vinaigrette using
1/4 cup rice vinegar or lemon juice
1/4 tsp salt
2 TBS of sesame oil
1/2 cup olive oil.
I also added just a touch of truffle oil.
I never actually measure ingredients for vinaigrette, but just go by taste.  You may want to adjust these quantities to your liking.
Cook lentils, drain, then mix with a little of the dressing.  Chill.  Combine lentils, carrots, onions, and enough dressing to coat.  At the last minute add the grated beets.  I like to use them as an accent - topping the other ingredients.  Serve on a bed of greens.

Good News!  Today the vegetable seeds came out of their storage place and the previous years' garden notes appeared.  I even heard mention of the word " planting".

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