Saturday, February 6, 2010

A slow time for gardening

The Winter garden. As you can see, there's not much happening in the garden at the moment.  We are in full on winter mode, which gives us a chance to relax, take a break and focus on planning for the Spring. 

Reyn pulled the last of the carrots a couple of weeks ago. We had left them in the ground and had been harvesting sparingly feeling smug about our buried store of little gems. Unfortunately, we were out of town when our area was hit by several days of an unusually hard freeze. Some of the carrots seemed to have weathered the freeze pretty well, but others were frozen near the tops.  All of the green tops succumbed to the freeze and melted away.  The lower portion of the carrots seemed fine, but the upper 2" had been frozen leaving a mushy top that rotted quickly when taken from the ground. 

In the end we were able to enjoy a few of the survivors, but the bulk of the harvest ended up in the compost pile. It was such a disappointment.  We'll have to keep this in mind for next winter.  I think we would have been okay, had it not been for that darn freeze.  

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