Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines' Day

An op-
portunity for a cake -  Today's menu was inspired by the two heart-shaped cake pans I picked up last summer at a second-hand store.  They have been hiding in my cupboard waiting for the proper moment. We love desserts at our house, but try to avoid them most of the time.  But why not a special Valentines' Day dinner complete with my favorite cake - an Italian Cream Cake frosted with Buttercream and topped with candied violets from our yard.

The menu progressed when I was out at the market and happened to notice someone purchasing a couple of ducks. Duck seemed like a great idea.  I have a lovely recipe for roast duck that is the closest thing to duck confit I've found.  The duck skin is pierced, the cavity rubbed with salt, pepper and, garlic, then cooked in a slow 300 degree oven for 4 -5  hours, turning it over every hour.  It comes out deliciously moist with the skin crispy and perfectly browned.  It is fabulous!

I paired the duck with a wild rice, chanterelle and, pecan pilaf, fresh asparagus and, a green salad with blood oranges and almond pieces. The meal was perfectly complimented by a 2007 vintage N x NW Cabernet Sauvignon.  Oh, and followed by cake. . . . . .

I'll gladly share the recipes upon request. 

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