Friday, August 20, 2010

Smashed Potatoes - French style

A thunder storm was moving in quickly as I dashed through the garden just before dinner tonight. We had been kayaking down the river all afternoon and I hadn't given much thought to meal planning other than the grilling of two chicken sausages.  It was beginning to rain as I finished making my selection.  Lots of swiss chard - again-  one baby cucumber, a handful of sungold tomatoes, a lovely onion, a pinch of basil, then a few potatoes from the cellar.  I chose Yukon Gold, the ones that grew next to the compost pile.  They were large, smooth, blemish free, and very crisp.  My plan was beginning to form.  I added one head of garlic, still drying in the garden shed.  This time I chose Nootka Rose, a variety that we had not tried before. 

The tomatoes, cucumber, onion, and basil became a sweet little salad dressed with vinaigrette. I used the potatoes to make one of my favorites, a recipe I learned 10 years ago when my daughter, Rebecca, took me to La Varenne, a cooking school in Burgundy for my 50th birthday.  We spent one full week cooking and eating, and eating, and eating, until we could barely move.  Our curriculum included daily ventures to local restaurants for demonstrations from the chef, followed by generous samples of the lesson.  One of my favorites was a simple Smashed Potato dish, French style.  Here is my adaptation of the recipe.  The original was paired with a luscious sauteed foie gras, something I enjoyed, but could not now allow myself to eat.

Simple Smashed Potatoes, with garlic

Wash and cut into chunks, several Yukon Gold potatoes,
Cover them with water and bring to a boil.  When the potatoes are
tender, drain them, then return to the warm burner and allow them
to dry out.   Heat several tablespoons of olive oil in a saute pan,
add 2 cloves of slivered garlic.  When the oil becomes hot, add
the potatoes and cook, smashing with a fork to obtain and uneven
mash.  The potatoes will become slightly browned.  Add additional
oil if necessary.  Season with salt and pepper.  I also added snipped

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