Friday, August 27, 2010

Garden Update

Feels like Fall this morning - I can't believe that I just typed that. It's a beautiful cool, sunny morning. Just two days ago it was blazing hot and I was uncomfortable.  It's not hot today, and somehow it just feels different.  I'm not ready for this to end.  The summer seems to have gone by in the blink of an eye.  I've had a great time, but I'm not yet ready to give it up. Neither is the garden.   I've mentioned again and again what a strange year this has been for our vegetable garden.  Everything has been slower to mature and much later than previous years.  Normally we would be inundated with produce by now, the tomato cages  hidden and  leaning over from the abundant weight of their fruit. Not this year. While we are eating plenty of good fresh produce every day, I have not yet felt overwhelmed by the volume, nor have I had excess to put away for winter.  I'd call this our leisure garden.  Pick a little, eat a little, pull a few weeds.  Not bad, really.

The tomatoes have just begun to ripen in the past week.  We are eating Sweet Millions, and Sun Golds daily, and Early Girls as they ripen.  There are plenty of tomatoes on the vine, yet to come, so I anticipate having enough to roast for the freezer - just not yet.  We have three different summer squash plants growing: a Patty Pan, a light green zucchini, and a round french courgette.  The courgette is my favorite, but patty pan has thus far out paced it for production.  Just how many ways can you cook a patty pan squash?  I'm working on it, but not many recipes can beat simply tossing the squash on the grill.

We are now harvesting cucumbers, something I have been looking forward to for months.  Our cuke plants were really slowed down by the cold wet weather we had earlier in the summer.  I was afraid that the wouldn't produce at all.  Fortunately, they are now up to speed and I am eating cukes at nearly every meal.  I love them when they are young, tender and crisp; eaten moments after being plucked from the vine.  What could be better than tender cucumbers, sliced along with fresh warm tomatoes, adorned with just a splash of vinaigrette and a sprinkling of salt?  Maybe the addition of  a little shredded basil and a few pine nuts.  Oh, I do love summer.


  1. That really looks yummy! I cant wait to have my cucumber and tomatoes to be harvest this week and make some of that for dinner. your veggies are awesome!

  2. Your food presentation is great! It really looks yummy and fresh to eat. I can’t wait to harvest my veggies to have fresh home salad! Fresh veggies are really the best!
