Thursday, August 5, 2010

Shortcake for Breakfast

A walk through the berry patch these mornings yeilds more than can be eaten in a day.  How lucky can we get?  We grow Tri-Star everbearing strawberries, the best tasting and longest producing strawberries we've ever had.  The berries are a little on the small size at the moment, but there are lots of them, and they are sweet and full of flavor. The strawberries are now in full production and will continue well into October.

Our raspberries are just coming into their second round of berries and these are larger than the earlier pick.  It may be that increasing the amount of water they received made the difference, or perhaps it was that extra fish fertilizer.  The latest berries are close to twice the size of those we picked earlier in the summer.  Sadly, we're approaching the end of our blueberry production.  The berries have been abundant and tasty, but our plants are quite old and are not looking vibrant this year.  It may be time for an additional application of compost or droppings from a friend's chickens.

For years my favorite summertime breakfast has involved a pass through the berry patch culminating in an early morning version of berry shortcake.  I rationalized this indulgence by substituting a scone for the shortcake and vanilla yogurt for the whipped cream.  These days I'm looking for lower fat alternatives.  Here is a recipe I improvised from my oldest son's repertoire.  These lemon flavored pancakes are very light and cake-like.  They are delicious with berries as shown here, or topped with a blueberry compote

Lemon Pancakes with Fresh Berries and Yogurt
for 2 servings

1 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp sugar
2Tbsp lemon zest
1 cup buttermilk
1 egg, separated
2 Tbsp oil
Assorted Fresh Berries
Vanilla Yogurt, or plain sweetened with honey and vanilla

Stir together flour, baking powder, soda, salt, sugar, and lemon zest.  Mix buttermilk with the egg yolk and oil.  Stir into dry ingredients.  Whip the egg white to soft peaks, then fold into other ingredients.  Cook on a griddle heated to medium heat.  Serve with berries and yogurt.

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