Friday, July 9, 2010

Life on the Road

Out of the tiniest kitchen comes some pretty good food. We are the proud owners of a 1969 21' Airstream Globetrotter.  We bought it about 14 months ago;  found it on Craigslist. It had been owned by only one other family and had been sitting unlicensed and unused for the past 20 years. The inside was covered with mold, the cushions rotted, the wood interior faded and dry; but, with a little clean up and adjustment, all of the systems worked.  We found a fabulous RV technician who helped us restore this little gem to its'  former glory.

Our first big road test was a 3 week trip through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana.  We had a fabulous time and were pleased with our little mobile cabin-in-the-woods. Starting out, my dilema was how to transport and prepare healthy, delicious, and fresh meals in a rolling tin can.  You can see the size of the kitchen.  The opposite wall features a beneath-counter refrigerator powered by propane or electricity, a work space, with a small storage cabinet above.

I had carefully planned and stored frozen meats, canned salsas and the like, dried rice mixtures, bulgar, and pastas, and thought out the purchase of fresh produce and dairy products so that they would be completely used up and waste the least amount of our precious storage space. I had also included a good supply of herbs and spices. Thankfully, it worked out really well.  We enjoyed tastey fresh meals right up to the last day.  This is one of the dinners we had at the end of our trip.  I might add that we spent a week at this particular place, but had only planned to be there a couple of days.  We were 28 miles from the nearest store, and running out of supplies when the last piece of chicken breast came out of the freezer.  This is what we ate:


Grilled Chicken Kabobs with Zucchini
Wild and Brown Rice Pilaf
Carrot and Apple Salad
A nice bottle of Red Wine

This salad was composed of the last stalk of celery, the last apple, the last carrot, and the final smidgens of parsley, tossed with a little oil, some chile seasonings, and the juice of our last two limes.  It was a total surprise, and it was delicious - enjoyed in the sun, along side the Snake River.  Unfortunately, being out of food meant that it was time to head for home.

I started out with meal plans and ingredients for 21 meals.  The meals were all easy to prepare using a small stove and outside grill. The frozen food fit into a  freezer compartment approximately 5" x 18".  We had really good snacks and three fresh, delicious squares a day.  Watch for more details to come in future posts on how to travel and eat really well along the way.

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