Monday, July 5, 2010

A Lavender Kind of Day

After the 4th, a laid back lazy kind of day. Nice weather, not too hot, no clouds, and a slight breeze to keep things comfortable.  This was the kind of day we live for here in the Willamette Valley.  And believe me, sometimes they are few and far between.  Today was perfect.

It seemed like the kind of day to do a little slow, easy work in the garden.  Reyn and I both did a little weeding then he harvested the remainder of our overgrown Oregon Sugar Pod II peas.  These peas have been remarkable.  We started with less than an ounce or two of peas to plant and ended with more peas than we can eat.  Today's harvest was over 10 pounds.  Granted, because we were gone, the peas have grown beyond the ideal time for picking, much larger than we normally allow them to get, but they are still sweet, tender and crisp.  We've been eating them fresh from the garden, in salads, and cooked in pasta dishes and with potatoes.  Nothing is better than fresh peas.

 If you ever want to try a garden plant that is sure to be a big winner we can hardily recommend Oregon Sugar Pod II.  They go in the ground early and require very little tending other than some form of support. A big bang for your buck.

This was lavender day for me.  I have several old lavender plants that flower at different times.  One of my favorites grows just next to the back steps.  When the plant gets heavy with flowers it hangs over the steps so that you brush against it as you decend the stairs.  I always enjoy and look forward to the burst of fragrance released as I brush by.  However, not everyone in this family finds it quite so charming. If I don't get around to picking the flowers soon enough I often find that someone has been by with the hedge trimmers clearing the stairway.  I'm usually in a hurry and don't feel like I have the time it takes to painstakingly cut each flower to properly harvest them.  Today I allowed myself the pleasure of sitting quietly, cutting each stem individually while basking in the warm sun and taking in the full impact of that wonderful lavender frangrance.  I was rewarded with a beautiful bouquet to put on my mantle and a few zen moments as well.

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