Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From Garden to Table

A notable meal - We reached a milestone today in the garden, our first meal prepared entirely (practically speaking) from ingredients grown on our own little plot of land. It was a simple, but very nice meal.  Prepared  from plants which were started from seed, carefully tended, closely watched, guarded from pests, and eargerly anticipated.  It must truly be summer.


Garden Fresh Potato,Spinach and Feta Frittata
Salad of mixed greens with Radishes and Scallions
Raspberries, off the vine

The inspiration for this dinner came from our harvest for the day, which began when Reyn decided to pull up a small, sad looking potato plant that seemed to be dying. Under the plant he found a stash of beautiful little purple potatoes.  He has been clearing space to make room for the next round of planting ,so after the potato he moved on to the aging spinach plants.  These yeilded two sizable bags of very nice spinach leaves.  We also came up with one small onion that found itself growing  in the wrong part of the garden.  Add to that a bounty of salad greens, some nice radishes and we're off to a start on dinner.

Garden Fresh Frittata

1 clove garlic, slivered
4 -5 small potatoes - mine were purple, halved then sliced in 1/4" slices
1 small onion, halved, then sliced
1 bunch of spinach, washed, leaves stacked, then sliced into 1/2" strips
1/4 cup feta, crumbled
3 - 4 eggs - farm fresh
3/4 - 1 cup milk
                                                       fresh garden herbs, chopped -
                                                       parsley, thyme, chives, savory...

In a non-stick frying pan saute the garlic, potatoes, and onion in 1 Tbs olive oil over medium heat until the potatoes are just barely tender and the onions cooked.  Place the sliced spinach on top in a layer - it will fill the pan, but will shrink as it cooks.  As you go sprinkle each layer with a little salt and pepper.  Cover the pan with a lid and cook gently until the spinach as wilted. Crumble the feta cheese atop the spinach.

In a small bowl mix the eggs, milk and herbs.  Pour this over the potatoes and spinach in the frying pan.  I started with 3 eggs, but ended up using 4 to get the volume of liquid required to cover the potatoes and spinach.  Cook over medium/low heat with the lid on until the eggs begin to firm up around the edges.  I use a spatula to lift the edges and tilt the pan to let the still liquid eggs run to the sides of the pan. Don't cook too quickly or the frittata will become too dark on the bottom.  When most of the egg is firm, but till loose in the middle, pop the pan under the broiler for a few minutes to complete the cooking process.

Cut into quarters and serve.

Our dinner was completed by a large green salad.  Dessert was a slow, edible, walk through the raspberry patch.

Today's Harvest:
Purple potatoes
Oregon Sugar Pod Peas II
Red Sails Lettuce
Romaine Lettuce
Butter Lettuce
Mixed Baby Greens

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