Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Garden Inspired Meals

A walk through the garden is my favorite way to begin planning dinner. Today was my first day home after being out of town for nearly a week.  At this time of year things change quickly in the garden. In my absence Reyn has been busy getting a start on our Fall/Winter garden.  Since we harvested the garlic last week he has planted brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, purple and red carrots, five varieties of greens, and two types of bush green beans.  We are now just beginning to harvest our summer crops and this year we have learned a valuable lesson.  Our three week vacation has taken it's tole on the garden.  The plants didn't receive enough water while we were gone, and were really set back.  They are just now beginning to look vibrant and healthy, but are smaller than usual for this late in the summer. I walked through the garden this morning a spotted a few gems to use in tonight's dinner. 

The swiss chard is abundant and ready to be eaten.  I also found the first of our summer squash, two small perfect patty pans, one round french courgette, and one yellow zucchini.  I insist on picking them when they are very small and oh, so delicate - no giant summer squash for me. I also selected a beautiful, crisp and tender carrot along with it's neighbor, a nice large beet.  This treasures, along with a few fresh herbs, formed the basis of our dinner.  Now, to put it together.
The Menu
Grilled Portobello Mushrooms stuffed with a wild and brown rice pilaf
Swiss Chard Rolls filled with a carrot, beet, and fresh herb saute
Simple Grilled Summer Squash

Swiss Chard Rolls -To make the chard rolls I cut the carrot and beet into small dice.  I then sauted them with a little chopped sweet onion in a small amount of lemon infused olive oil - using separate pans to preserve the color of the carrot.  I removed the stems from the chard, blanched the leaves briefly in boiling water, rinsed them in cold water, then left them to drain.  I mixed the crisp/tender  carrots and beets together with some fresh herbs and a touch of balsamic vinegar.  I then layered two chard leaves together, filled them with the carrot/beet mixture and rolled them up.

I placed the rolls in a saute pan with about two tablespoons of water and gently heated them.  A drizzle of balsamic vinegar was the final addition.  This is one I'll surely do again.  It was beautiful and delicious.

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