Saturday, April 17, 2010

Crackers with your cheese?  How can you say no? Who knew that it was possible to make crachers as nice as these?

The inspiration for these great Lavash Crackers comes from Peter Reinhart's book, The Bread Baker's Apprentice.  It's really just a simple bread recipe.  Make the dough, let it rise once, then instead of making a loaf you roll out the dough until paper thin and cut it into crackers.  Fun and easy.  Rolling it out is the hardest.  The thinner the dough the crisper the crackers.  So, here's the recipe.

1 1/2 cups bread flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp olive oil
1/3 to 1/2 cup water - maybe a little more

For the dough, stir all ingredients together until it makes a ball adding enough flour so that it is pliable, but not too soft.  Turn onto a floured surface and knead about 10 minutes.  The dough should be smooth and ingredients evenly distrubited.  Place in lightly oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let rise for 1 1/2 hours.

Mist counter lightly with oil, then transfer dough to counter.  Roll it out with rolling pin to a paper thin thickness.  I first divide the dough into two sections for ease of rolling.  When you have reached the desired thickness, let the dough relax for 5 minutes.  Carefully transfer dough to parchment lined baking sheet.  Mist with water and sprinkle with seeds or spices of your choice.  You can then use a pizza cutter to cut strips for crackers, or leave in one piece and break into pieces after baking.

Bake in 350F oven for 15 to 20 minutes.  Yum!

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