Saturday, October 9, 2010

Green chile revisited

Ahhhh, the aroma of roasting chile.  Those of you lucky enough to live in the Colorado, Arizona, or New Mexico know this smell - a sure sign of Fall, the chile vendor set up in a parking lot with the roaster going.  The rest of us just have to imagine the Bingo basket full of green chiles rotating over a hot fire, sending forth an aroma not to be forgotten.  While our climate does not make it easy for us to grown an abundance of peppers, our farmers' market does support a chile vendor, complete with roaster.  Most often, however, I end up roasting my own chiles when needed.  This I usually do while standing in the back yard, keeping watch over the gas barbecue - sometimes in the rain.

If you want an overview and recipe for a great green chile refer back to my blog entry for 8/3/10.  I'm revisiting it now to pass on one of my favorite side dishes to go with the chile, and to pass on a quick tip I just learned for roasting chiles at home.

First - the roasting tip:  I have found an alternative to roasting whole chiles on the grill.  It is much quicker, and easier,and results in nicely charred chiles.  I usually use a combination of Poblano and Anaheim chiles.  For either, simply remove the stem, quarter the fresh chile lengthwise, remove the seeds and membrane, then place the chile portions skin side up on a large baking sheet.  Place in the oven, under the broiler, and broil until completely charred, which only takes a few minutes.  I then place the chiles in a bowl and cover the bowl with a plate to allow them to steam for a few minutes.  The skins are then easily removed.  Chop the chiles and you are ready to go.

Now, for an unusual and very satisfying side dish:

Potatoes and Rice with Cumin
(this is one I really love)

2 waxy potatoes
1 cup white rice
2 cups chicken stock
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp. turmeric
2 tsp cumin seed
salt to taste

Peel and cut potatoes into 1/2" cubes.  In medium sauce pan, heat olive oil.  Add cumin seed and turmeric.  Stir and toast briefly until quite fragrant.  Add the potato cubes and stir to coat with the oil and seasonings.  Stir in the rice and salt.  Add chicken stock and bring to a boil.  Cover pan and reduce heat to low,  steam for 20 minutes.

I don't usually think of potatoes and rice in the same dish, but here they are perfect.  You can increase the amount of seasonings if you like more flavorful food.  The turmeric doesn't really add much flavor here, but you probably know that it is a natural anti-inflamatory, so it's good for all of us.  I hope you try, and enjoy this combination.

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