Thursday, November 18, 2010

Great Recipes Soon

The November rush is on.  You may not have missed me, but then again, maybe you did notice that I've not been keeping up with my regular postings. November is always a complicated month for me. We have 4 birthdays this month, exactly 1 week apart.  In addition, I've been preparing for my annual Holiday sale, which has taken up most of my time.  I've still been cooking some tasty meals and have a few outstanding things to share with you, but it will have to wait one or two more days.  In the meantime you're invited to join me and my two cohorts  for our annual Artists' Holiday Sale this weekend. I'll also be teaching a free jewelry making class on Sunday, November 21st between 10 am & 2 pm.  Stop by if you'd like to design some jewelry for yourself or, perhaps get the start on your Holiday crafting.  Here's the skinny:

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