Friday, June 11, 2010

On the Road

On the road - The garden has been planted, the sprinkler system is ready to go - if it ever stops raining, and the housesitter has arrived. W'ere headed out to the wilds of the northwest, trusty Airstream in tow.  We'll be away from phones and internet connections for much of our travels, so while my postings may intermitent and unpredictable, watch for a new element to my daily cooking - Road Food.  I'll be testing the limits of my meal planning and cooking skills in an effort to prepare healthy, delicious food on three burners and a grill.  We'll be away from grocers, so we'll also be relying on food that travels well.  Fortunately, we do have the luxury of a small gas or electric refrigerator.

I'll try to keep you posted along the way.  The beginning of a great adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Rick and I are SO JEALOUS!! An old Airstream!! What a great adventure, and what a perfect vehicle in which to have it.
