Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain!  "Does it always rain in Oregon?"  Well, actually, no, but sometimes it seems like it. This is one of those times.  It's our typical spring weather - sunshine, partial sun, chance of showers, showers likely, rain. . . . and, that's just one day.  Sometimes the rain is a soft gentle mist, others it is a downpour.  We've had enough to fill buckets lately.  Everyone is complaining.  We've been having discussions about attitude, but it doesn't seem to help. This kind of weather is hard on us all.

In between showers we have continued to work in the garden.  Some things are thriving with all this moisture, the potatoes, onions, and greens are all doing very well. Reyn's tomatoes, however, are another story. We removed the cover from the cold-frame a couple of weeks ago and has transplanted some of the tomatoes directly into the garden.  They look pretty sad.  We're thinking that next year we'll arrange to have more and larger cold-frames that can stay up longer.  For now, we're considering setting ours back up and covering it with a row-cover, like remay, to protect some of the tomatoes.  But, really, how long can this go on?  Whenever the rain stops and the clouds part, the sun is strong and warm.  Maybe tomorrow it will all change.

Yesterday I decided to change my attitude and just go with the flow.  Need I say that it rained all day?  Well, that didn't bother me because I was busy in my little kitchen chopping and stirring and making one of my favorite jams, Orange Rhubarb Marmalade.  It's a long process which begins with peeled, juiced, and chopped lemons and oranges.  After they cook for a while, the rhubarb is added and cooked to a pulp, followed by sugar and a long boil.  The result is a lovely sweet, slightly tart marmalade that is sure to perk up a winter breakfast.  That, and it helped me get through a very bleak spring day.  Hooray for Rhubarb!  I'll gladly share the recipe if anyone wants to try it.

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